Blocked Toilets| Vale | The Star

The delayed redevelopment of the lovely lavatories has flushed away a unique dining out experience this Summer – well at least for now.

Shame really, as even more exciting eateries would add to the growing gamut of quality new restaurants that have spring up the town over the last few months.

Tasty tapas, Turkish treats, and a sizzling steak house all add to our appeal – and our Saturday night dinner choices…at last.

But not on busy Barry Island it seems, despite the plans to redevelop the said site being submitted in 2019.

Next Colour were the developers destined to transform the Grade II-listed Victorian Toilet block building into four commercial units with outdoor seating space.

Two tenants Loungers and Harbour Bar were announced shortly after with hopes that the long-standing eyesore would soon be a buzzing hub.

But then came the Covid chaos and the BREXIT business – both of which the developers blame for the delay.

And we have now seen the Grade II listed building fall into further rack and ruin.

I did notice on one of our recent Sunday strolls that the bog was all boarded up now but with no nice billboard pictures to give a taste of what’s to come.

As for Next Colour all that can be heard apparently is the swirling sound of tumbleweed on the several occasions when local newspapers and broadcasters have asked for an update.

Our Vale Council however confirm the receipt of revised plans, and ‘remain hopeful’ some form of redevelopment will take place.

I’d ask the local authority myself on social media but since they never respond to comments, mentions, post or tweets, what’s the point.

They’re champions at long-winded statements though.

Sorry can’t share it as it would take up my word count. And bore our poor readers to tears.

But I can reveal that a coffee shop is on the cards – like we don’t have enough of them on the Island.

So as our Summer Season fires up for the next few months, the lavatory turned leisure site remains dark and desolate.

So bang goes the novelty of brunching in a bog, which, call me weird, I was quite looking forward too.

Let’s just hope they don’t pull the plug altogether eeh?

What do you think?

Speak soon.



Get Involved: Start speaking some serious truth to power please by completing the Vale Council’s ‘Let’s Talk About Life In The Vale’ Survey. Now’s the time to tackle the troubles in our Town (and wider Vale) – and spotlight our successes.

Sue Vincent-Jones, blogging as Mrs SVJ, is a Barry born journalist, editor, and activist. She writes about Barry – and her life in the wider world, through the eyes of a, quirky and queer, local girl done good.

Written exclusively for the Vale’s newest newspaper, and digital platform, The Glamorgan Star, her latest ‘Passing Comment’ column, an addition to the infamous Sue’s Views collection, can be found here.

Barry’s Boldest Blogger, can be contacted here.