LGBTQymru Team | Wales |Queer News

The first-ever Wales Wide Virtual Pride is hosted by LGBTQymru, a collective of passionate activists and allies dedicated to keeping our community connected – especially in these uncertain Corona Virus times.

This unique online event, all set for the weekend of July 24 and 25, will celebrate the whole of our community across the whole of our country.

The Steering Group, who work with a whole range of established, and grass roots organisations, to ensure our event amplifies and truly represents the voices of all within Wales, are:

Chair – Bleddyn Harris

Bleddyn is extremely passionate about amplifying the voices and stories of the LGBTQ+ communities to inspire a more equitable society. His advocacy and activism work, includes going into schools and delivering sessions on LGBTQ+ inclusion, curriculum, and history.

He has been interviewed on ITV Wales and BBC Radio Wales, and delivered seminars and lectures on LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion for organisations like Stonewall Cymru and The National Trust, etc.

Currently recognised on the Pinc List as one of the Top 15 LGBTQ+ Community Role Models in Wales and is the chair of the Senedd’s award-winning LGBTQ+ Staff Network.

Deputy Chair – Craig Stephenson

Craig is Chair of South Wales Gay Men’s Chorus, former Director of Engagement at the Senedd and has been included on Wales’ Pinc List in recent years. 

He is passionate about equality and fairness and in addition to his role as a non-legal member of the Employment Tribunal, he is a trustee at Tai Pawb which promotes equality & social justice in housing in Wales.

Fundraising & Sponsorship Officer – Ffion Grundy

Ffion is an LGBTQ+ ally and believes in championing the need for services to actively encourage,  support and facilitate opportunities for underrepresented groups, ensuring fair  and equal access to all.

Through her work with Stonewall Cymru she has worked with organisations across Wales on their equality, diversity and inclusion objectives to improve their strategic aims. Ffion oversees the Diversity Champions, training and empowerment programmes as well as Stonewall Cymru’s education work.

Community Groups Officer – Iestyn Wyn

Iestyn is passionate about community engagement and representation. He acknowledges the need for a movement that reaches the whole of Wales, from the urban streets of Cardiff to the rural coast of Anglesey. Through his work with Stonewall Cymru, Iestyn continues to campaign for a LGBT inclusive curriculum and a fully functioning Welsh Gender Identity Service.

Trans* Engagement Officer – Samantha Carpenter

Samantha is a proud trans woman who has been active in promoting fairness for the trans community. She volunteers her time with the NHS at the Welsh Gender Service and is a member of the All Wales Gender Identity Partnership Group. Samantha’s professional background is in equalities.

Race Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (REACH) Engagement  

LGBTQymru are delighted to be working on an ongoing basis with Glitter Cymru for the event. Iestyn and Sam will also be working closely with the grassroots meet-up and support group for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people who are LGBTQ+ . This will ensure all the event amplifies and truly represents the voices of all within Wales.

Social Media &  Community  Outreach  Officer – Jay Page

Jay Page is renowned for his work in the hospitality world working with international, national and local brands, projects and events. He is passionate about everyone being inclusive in all that he is a part of and stands by the motto #nolabels 

Marketing and Communications Officer – Sue Vincent-Jones

Sue is an award-winning queer activist, and former Co-Chair of PRISM, one of Wales most successful LGBT+ Staff Networks. A passionate community supporter, she is also a Stonewall School Role Model, Barry Pride Ambassador, Iris Prize Volunteer, LGBT+ lead for the suicide support campaign, Gobaith (Cymru) – plus Chair of the ground-breaking young peoples’ charity, #TheGlovesAreOn.

A former newspaper journalist, and Editor, Sue is a now a communications specialist, who also blogs prolifically about making a difference in the communities she serves. She was recently recognised on Wales Arts Review’s list of inspiring women writers of Wales.

Content and  Contributions  Officer – Hannah Isted

Hannah is part of the organising team of Barry Pride and also runs Barry Magazine with her partner Tom. Since moving to Barry 2 years ago she has been involved in working with the local community and businesses to bring everyone together. 

Brand Officer – Tom Collins 

Tom is a graphic designer and created the brand and design for Barry Pride. He believes that design can carry a message on how best to visually represent an event or community that is inclusive for everyone. 

I’m super proud to be involved.

Speak soon.

Mrs SVJ.

#LGBTQymru #WalesWideVirtualPride

Wales Wide Virtual Pride is a free event run by a not for profit organisation who believe in giving back to our community. If you can help with any donation, or sponsorship, please visit our Go Fund Me page.

Find out much, much, more about our fabulous
Fundraiser by following us on all the Socials. Click here to get the first-ever Wales Wide Virtual Pride in the Diary.

LGBTQymru, are a collective of passionate activists and allies dedicated to keeping our community connected – especially in these uncertain Corona Virus times.

If you would like to contact LGBTQymru, please email our team here.


Sue Vincent-Jones, writing as Mrs SVJ, is a Barry born journalist, editor, and communications specialist. She blogs about Barry – and her life in the wider world, through the eyes of a, quirky and queer, local girl done good.

One of Wales Arts Review 100 Women Writers of Wales, the dedicated community supporter, passionate arts lover, and award-winning queer activist, will keep you “informed, entertained and inspired.”

Mrs SVJ, Barry’s Boldest Blogger, can be contacted here.