Danter’s Dream | Vale | The Star

So, are we soon to see a return to the glory days of the happy Barry holiday camp then as our Pleasure Park owner Henry Danter reveals plans to put in places to stay at last.

It’s about time we had a smart, affordable, overnight option for visitors – surely not next to the Ty Hafan site some way in Sully though?

In my view, the demolition of Butlins to blatantly build a housing estate was a total travesty that never should have got past the planning stage.

I’m not saying the site should have been preserved like some old dusty antique complete with Red Coats and Bingo but surely some sort of accommodation ambition should have been discussed.

Maybe marketing Barry Island as a short stay destination was doomed but at least our Town’s tourism team could have had a try.

Or did they, I can’t quite remember, so correct me if I’m wrong – which I know you will.

I also don’t think that an ‘Old Skool’ Holiday Camp would work that well – those glory days have gone.

But believe me I am sure Mr Danter, with a lot of thought and a bit of luck, could see a success with his latest venture.

The proposed place will surely not be approved but here’s hoping a site is found close enough to The Rock to cause some excitement.

And although I’ve seen the social media stories about parking problems, surely a twenty-acre site would be big enough to create a car park too.

Might also raise some revenue over the Island. Call me controversial, and I’m sure some will think of other things too, for me, it’s quite right that the Vale Council charges for car parking.

Be honest, what other tourist attraction, in Wales and wider has free parking all day, every day – answers on a postcard please.

Anyway, back to Danter’ s dream. In my view Barry Island with all its delights and the fabulous fan tourism of Gavin and Stacey is the jewel in the crown.

But there’s could be a bit of a knock-on effect too.

Holton Road could hoist itself up and dust itself down so we see an enhanced shopping experience, High Street could boost its bespoke appeal, and the Goodsheds could keep growing and glowing.

In fact, you never know, but perhaps that parking revenue raised could finally fund our much-needed Barry Heritage Centre’.

What do you think?

Speak soon.


HEADS UP: Anyone who wants to voice their opinion on the Planning Application, click on Vale of Glamorgan Planning Register.
The reference number is 2023/00708/ FUL.

(c) mrssvj.co.uk

Sue Vincent-Jones, blogging as Mrs SVJ, is a Barry born journalist, editor, and activist. She writes about Barry – and her life in the wider world, through the eyes of a, quirky and queer, local girl done good.

Written exclusively for the Vale’s newest newspaper, and digital platform, The Glamorgan Star, her latest ‘Passing Comment’ column, an addition to the infamous Sue’s Views collection, can be found here.

Mrs SVJ, Barry’s Boldest Blogger, can be contacted here.