Post Pandemic Party | Vale | The Star

Say what you like about beautiful Barry…and I know there’s many a tasty tale to tell about our often turbulent town.

But one thing that remains staunchly standard is our cracking community spirit that runs right through our residents like a stick of Barry Island rock.

Never has this been more totally tested than when our town rode the 18 month long Coronacoaster of lonely, no love lost, Lockdown.

So, now that the pesky pandemic parameters have moved to a new normal, I’m well-chuffed to see our buoyant Barry has swung swiftly into post-pandemic party mode.

From almost the memorable minute we moved out of this queer Quarantine, my Facebook feed has been full of those fabulous, full on, face-to -face events we have all missed so much.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, a very warm welcome back luscious live music, spontaneous pints in the pub, watching City lose on a Saturday, movies sans masks, and real restaurant meals without the awkward online ordering.

It was an absolute joy the other week to sit supping cider in the Craft Republic, safely snuggled up with real residents listening to the Victorian Barry Dock Experience talk ‘Demon Drink’ loud and live.

I’ve already taken my ticket for November’s Skarry Island at Barry Island Sports and Social – just one of our long-established clubs that are seeing the return of both live entertainment and thirsty punters thronging through the doors.

And I am in tenterhooks waiting for the final details of the infamous Annual Neil Lewis Fundraiser that has just been given the go-ahead.

Too late to bring our cracking free, fun, for all, Cadstock Music Festival valiantly back to Victoria Park but at least we can now look forward to grooving on the grass next year…fingers crossed!

It’s not all ‘rock ‘n’ roll though – so excited to have signed up for the Cosmeston open air experience as the park premieres ‘La Cha, Cha’ in September. I have so missed cinemas.

Talking of which, marvellous that the Memo is cracking on full steam ahead with its resident favourites like Billboard Ensemble finally able to put on a show – in more ways than one.

So here’s to thriving not surviving as we start to shake off the Covid cobwebs, kick that Coronavirus comfort zone into touch, and get this party started.

Taxi for Jones.

Sue Vincent-Jones

The Voice of Our Community


Sue Vincent-Jones, blogging as Mrs SVJ, is a Barry born journalist, editor, and activist. She writes about Barry – and her life in the wider world, through the eyes of a, quirky and queer, local girl done good.

Written exclusively for the Vale’s newest newspaper, and digital platform, The Glamorgan Star, this week’s ‘Passing Comment’ column, an addition to the infamous Sue’s Views collection, can be found here.

Mrs SVJ, Barry’s Boldest Blogger, can be contacted here.