Our Welsh Riviera| Vale | The Star

Let’s go the beach each, in the famous words of Nicki Minaj, and blimey, didn’t us Barrians take her up on the offer this year.

Armed with picnic baskets, paddle boards, and rubber rings, we flocked to our coastal crackers to sweat out the very hot heatwaves.

And with Whitmore Bay, Watchtower Bay, Jackson’s Bay, plus Porthkerry Park we were certainly spoilt for choice.

But if you’ve got to melt into a mess, there’s no better place than the Welsh Riviera that is Barrybados is there really?

Check out those summer scenes of wild swimmers, local families, day trippers, and body, and other boarders, who swam, SUPED, and sat in the sun.

And what about those Watchtower Waders – they are taking over the world aren’t they?

Great to see them featured in the Star recently receiving recognition for the part they play in keeping out town’s fabric tightly woven.

Another prime example of community coming together where all feel included, welcome and empowered. I like that.

In my view, this night owl thinks anyone who rises at sparrow’s call is a maniac, but apparently our beaches were like the proverbial Piccadilly Circus by 6am each morning.

Respect to all of you…said through a yawn.

Mind you, I loved seeing the sight of all those on the water, brought back memories of when my boy was in a local Surf and Life Saving Club.

Many a Friday evening was spent splashing about in the water or sat on the sand watching the waves break through.

For the water-shy, we’ve also seen all the fun of the Fair get bigger and better too.

No hot Tom Hardy to drool over this year, but a playground of rides to enjoy…well, when the new one wasn’t stuck in the air of course.

It’s got to be good for our town’s coffers, all this activity and I hope the cash tolls rang loudly for our Covid-hit traders

The well-known, the infamous Barrybados, the busy burger vans, the little coffee carts, and other independents.

All keeping our town and her visitors fed, watered, and full of ice-cream, as the Gavin and Stacey Tour Bus pootles by.

So as the summer season draws to a close, what a wonderful way we’ve had the chance to spend these steamy, sweaty few weeks.

Thanks Barry – in my view, we are lucky to live here.

What do you think?


The Voice of Our Community

(c) mrssvj.co.uk

Sue Vincent-Jones, blogging as Mrs SVJ, is a Barry born journalist, editor, and activist. She writes about Barry – and her life in the wider world, through the eyes of a, quirky and queer, local girl done good.

Written exclusively for the Vale’s newest newspaper, and digital platform, The Glamorgan Star, her latest ‘Passing Comment’ column, an addition to the infamous Sue’s Views collection, can be found here.

Mrs SVJ, Barry’s Boldest Blogger, can be contacted here.