LGBTQymru Virtual Pride |Wales|News

We may be out of the closet, and still in the house but…that doesn’t mean our much-celebrated Welsh Pride Season stops while we wait for that lonely Lockdown to lift.

The queer party is still very much on thanks to LGBTQymru – with our first ever Wales Wide Virtual Pride all set for the weekend of July 24 and 25.

This unique online event will celebrate the whole of our community across the whole of our country, bringing together all those living the LGBTQ+ life, and our allies too of course! 

Pride Season with its events throughout the season are the highlight of the queer calendar. And with our community feeling even more disconnected and dispersed, as we see our social events suffering those Corona Virus cancellations, now is the time to show solidarity. 

LGBTQymru aims to do just that, and is calling on all Prides, LGBTQ+ community groups, charities, acts, organisations, and anyone else who wants to get involved, to please come join us. 

Wales Wide Virtual Pride will be a weekend of fun, entertainment, information, and education for all the family. The two-dayer, which will see a variety of acts from music to make up tutorials, is free for all to watch, and take part in – across Wales, and wider. 

Part of what makes the LGBTQ+ community in Wales so special is its visibility, talent, and readiness, to make sure everyone is connected, even in the most difficult of times. 

Thanks to those Welsh Prides, including Barry, Bangor, Rhondda, and Llantwit Major, plus other groups too, including Glitter Cymru, who have already signed up to make this something special.

LGBTQymru, an enthusiastic and energetic collective of respected LGBT+ activists and allies, want the weekender to showcase the best of our cohesive community.

Steering Group Chair Bleddyn Harris, said: “Our mission to create unified approach to Pride across Wales. With a wider focus being on celebration and education, we really want to connect the fabulous LGBTQ+ community of Wales and, during a time where we’ve maybe never felt further apart, bring us all together, all across Wales, all at once.”

Thanks LGBTQymru.

Speak soon.

Mrs SVJ.

#LGBTQymru #WalesWideVirtualPride

Wales Wide Virtual Pride is a free event run by a not for profit organisation who believe in giving back to our community. If you can help with any donation, or sponsorship, please visit our Go Fund Me page.

Find out much, much more, about our fabulous
Fundraiser by following us on all the Socials.Click here to get the first-ever Wales Wide Virtual Pride in the Diary.

LGBTQymru, are a collective of passionate activists and allies dedicated to keeping our community connected – especially in these uncertain Corona Virus times.

If you would like to contact LGBTQymru, please email our team here.


Sue Vincent-Jones, is a Barry born journalist, editor, and communications specialist. Writing as Mrs SVJ, she blogs about Barry – and her life in the wider world, through the eyes of a, quirky and queer, local girl done good.

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One of Wales Arts Review 100 Women Writers of Wales, the dedicated community supporter, passionate arts lover, and award-winning queer activist, will keep you “informed, entertained and inspired.”

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Mrs SVJ, Barry’s Boldest Blogger, can be contacted here.