Mole Misery | Vale | The Star

So, it looks like all the ambitious aspiration, talking up of our town, and the crossing of everything, multiple times, didn’t make a blind bit of difference to Barry’s much-hyped Marina Dream.

Our Vale Council’s bid for a £20 million freebie from the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund, which would have seen a new water sports facility at Barry Waterfront and a new marina at The Mole, turned out to be a very damp squib.

Porthcawl, Caerphilly, and Cardiff we all ‘winner, winner, Chicken Dinner’ whilst our proposal was turned down flat despite the cash, and community events, it would have undoubtedly brought to that rapidly developing site.

Truth be told, I called the bid ‘nautical nonsense’ in this very column just a few months ago. But I am actually quite peeved that I was proved right after warming to the idea of seeing water sports on the way to Morrisons.

I will also grudgingly admit that it did make sound sense, way back in June 2021, to look to a rosy, regenerative post-pandemic future, show-off with a centrepiece worthy of the Waterfront.

And provide both a home for Ocean Water sports plus a perfect place for our local clubs, groups, and the rest of our  cracking community to splash about in.

We all know how popular that wild swimming is for a start. Let’s be honest, you can’t move for seas of swimmers diving and dipping on a daily basis – and that’s just the Watchtower Waders!

But, a little bird, obviously a seagull in this instance, tells me that it’s not game over for our Marina Dream, and councillors are confident we can scoop some funds in the next round.

I certainly hope so. Barry is beautifully on the up and deserves a helping hand to make our town even more of a treat than it already is.


Talking of the Waterfront, congratulations to the three local independent stores that are on the Cardiff Life Awards shortlist.

All sited at the Goodshed, Box Edit Boutique is nominated in the retail category, Dimensional Art in two categories, Arts and Creative and Retail.

And Craft Republic in the bar category – even though bizarrely, and call me Old Skool if you like, you can’t actually walk up to the bar to have a pint pulled, it’s all apps and table seating still.

But I wish all the three finalists both a heartfelt good luck, and a grateful thank you  for putting Barry on the map.

Let’s hope you’re more successful than The Mole proposal eeh?



Sue Vincent-Jones, blogging as Mrs SVJ, is a Barry born journalist, editor, and activist. She writes about Barry – and her life in the wider world, through the eyes of a, quirky and queer, local girl done good.

Written exclusively for the Vale’s newest newspaper, and digital platform, The Glamorgan Star, her latest ‘Passing Comment’ column, an addition to the infamous Sue’s Views collection, can be found here.

Mrs SVJ, Barry’s Boldest Blogger, can be contacted here.