Lost Lido | Vale | The Star

So, the old ‘Bring back the Knap Pool’ Campaign has reared its hopeful head once again as our rallying residents call our Councils into action.

Another online Petition is currently doing the rounds asking both the Barry, and Vale, politicians, to reinstate the Lido.

Ever the optimist , I’ve already signed and shared – just like I did in 2014 and all those other times before that.

I’m fact, the Campaign nine years ago saw a staggering 8,000 signatures. Not sure what happened next though…um, nothing.

Ironic though that the hard sell speaks of ‘long hot Summers’ when we’ve been spent this year’s desperately drowning in wet weather.

In fact, sheltering shivering in a cheap plastic Poncho, under a bent brolly, eating a mediocre cheeseburger and chips with a ‘captive audience cost’ of £14 nearly finished me off.

And truth be told though, and I know many of you are not going to like this, I’m not convinced there’s the appetite, the cash, or the business case, for a new Knap Pool.

It certainly won’t be funded by the Vale Council following their further budget cuts cry recently.

Honestly, I really, do understand the sentiment behind the Petition wrapped up in all that hope and history.

What self-respecting Barrian doesn’t remember those halcyon days of trooping through that turnstile with your mates, diving off top board in your bum smackers, flicking your little brother with a wet towel.

And then finishing it all off with a steaming hot Choccie and a packet of Bovril crisps from the Snack Shack.

To be fair, some lost lidos have seen a committed community Campaign end in stunning success.

Look at the Baths in Bath!

Closer to home, people also point to the Ponty Lido as a shining example of outdoor pool success.

And, to be honest, families packing the place, plus the rapid rise of wild water swimming, has shown to be an all-year round success.

But could we really dig up the now very well-covered Knap site to build a new Lido that lasts.

In my view, we should petition for a full feasibility study on the likelihood of a Pontypridd-stylee site in our own town, and then have an open and honest Report at a Public Meeting.

That would definitely decide and clearly communicate exactly what options, if any, are on the table – and who’s going to pay for them.

Don’t forget we also need to find a bold business bod to take it on – and stoically stick with it too.

Look what happened with the blocked bogs at Barry Island.

What do you think?

Speak soon.

(c) mrssvj.co.uk

Have Your Say: Rallying residents can sign the ‘Reinstate Barry’s Knap Lido Swimming Pool’ Petition here.

Sue Vincent-Jones, blogging as Mrs SVJ  is a Barry born journalist, editor, and activist. She writes about Barry – and her life in the wider world, through the eyes of a, quirky and queer, local girl done good.

Written exclusively for the Vale’s newest newspaper, and digital platform, The Glamorgan Star, her latest ‘Passing Comment’ column, an addition to the infamous Sue’s Views collection, can be found here.

The Glamorgan Star is an digital delight, and an old Skool print publication. Pick up the newspaper every fortnight from selected Vale shops, and supermarkets – full list here.

Find out more about the world of Mrs SVJ, the Voice of our Community here.

Barry’s Boldest Blogger, can be contacted here.