Town Called Malice | Vale | The Star

Whoosh – did you hear that? It’s the sound of some of our sour-faced Barry souls sucking the joy out of anything and everything.

Seriously though, have you noticed how there’s a right rabble of residents who haven’t got anything good to say about our happy little hood.

Truth be told, I’m no fawning fan of our lack lustre local authority either. And, in my view, their communication, and customer service leaves a lot to be desired.

But, when they occasionally actually pull a blinder, I’m the first to clap my hands and say a quick ‘Chwarae Teg.’

Lately, I have FB liked the posh Penarth bus stop, the colourful Cowbridge Pride Bench, and the super Richard Taylor Skate Park and added a congratulatory comment.

Cue a plethora of mean-minded residents prattling on about potholes, ripping into recycling rules, and making outrageous and lethally libellous claims about corruption.

And then we get the old Cinema chestnut and Knap Pool nonsense.

Yes, we had the Theatre Royal but no-one used it so commercial viability went out the window. Rinse and repeat with the Memo Screenings which are also not well-attended either.

Same with Knap now. Reminiscing about halcyon days full of bum smackers and Bovril crisps won’t bring back those times.

It’s gone for good, get over it, and swiftly move along to the super Splash Park instead.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t look at Barry through rose-tinted glasses but there’s something to be said for celebrating success.

Yes, we have a, sometimes, troubled town but with no more or less the social issues present in any big urban area.

No, we might not be as posh as Penarth thinks it is but we’re hardly holed up in the Bronx either are we?

So surely, we must support what’s on offer now to kick start the Councils into seeing what we want.

I’ll tell you what I want. Why not knock the Fairground down and build a big Red Dragon style complex on the site – with bowling, movies, meals, and a drinkies.

See, armchair critics it’s good to dream and you could help make this happen.
Talk up the town, and lobby for change. Or why not stand up and counted at the Ballot Box if you think you can do better.

Alternatively, have a moan and move on up the carriageway to Cardiff.

I’d rather stay and fight.

What do you think?

Speak soon.



GET INVOLVED: Start speaking some serious truth to power please by completing the Vale Council’s ‘Let’s Talk About Life In The Vale’ Survey. Now’s the time to tackle the troubles in our Town (and wider Vale) – and spotlight our successes.

Sue Vincent-Jones, blogging as Mrs SVJ, is a Barry born journalist, editor, and activist. She writes about Barry – and her life in the wider world, through the eyes of a, quirky and queer, local girl done good.

Written exclusively for the Vale’s newest newspaper, and digital platform, The Glamorgan Star, her latest ‘Passing Comment’ column, an addition to the infamous Sue’s Views collection, can be found here.

Mrs SVJ, Barry’s Boldest Blogger, can be contacted here.